Bacterial colony morphology pdf

Module morphology and general properties of fungi microbiology 444 notes fig. Key features of these bacterial colonies serve as important criteria for their identification. The significances of bacterial colony patterns philarchive. Although one might not necessarily see the importance of colonial morphology at first, it really can be important when identifying the bacterium. Of all the different classification systems, the gram stain has withstood the test of time. Complete the analysis questions for this bacterial culture 1 identify the different colonies by circling and numbering each colonies that are the same species get the same number. To be able to determine bacterial species based upon macroscopic examination. When reporting colony morphology, it is important to include the medium and the incubation time and temperature, all of which can affect a colonys appearance. Examination of the form and structure of bacterial colonies is termed colony morphology and is one of the first steps in characterizing and identifying a bacterial culture. Describing bacterial colony morphology although bacterial colonies can differ in the details of their appearance, a colony basically looks like a dot growing on the medium. Colonies that differ in appearance are typically different bacterial strains, species, or genera. Although basic colony morphologies have been described in various standard text books, laboratory specialists should continuously update the changing trends of bacterial colony characters.

Colony morphology is a way scientists can identify bacteria. Begin initial testing to determine presumptive identification of pure strain bacterial cultures co, motility, catalase, and gram stain. The bacteria are microscopic in nature and are visible only under compound microscope. This dot is composed of millions of bacteria that arose through binary fission from. Frequently during the semester you will need to describe bacterial or fungal growth observed on slants or petri plates. Visualizing bacterial colony morphologies using timelapse. Materials 4g of each tea, oolong, white, and black 1 balance 163. Image analysis of bacterial colonies in classic and alternative gel. These bacteria may be spherical,cylindrical or spiral in shape.

It includes form, elevation, and margin of the bacterial colony. The term colony morphology refers to the visible characteristics of a colony. Colony morphology free download as powerpoint presentation. In fact there is a book called bergeys manual of determinative bacteriology commonly termed bergeys manual that describes the majority of bacterial species identified by scientists. A colony is defined as a visible mass of microorganisms all originating from a single mother cell. Bacterial colony morphology can be described in terms of its size, color, shape, growth pattern, and other characteristics. It will be useful to learn the terminology used for describing common colony types. In fact, a book called bergeys manual of determinative bacteriology commonly termed bergeys manual describes most bacterial species identified by scientists so far. This appears to be the first time that a colony resembling donut morphology is reported in the literature. Use of a dissecting scope can aid in distinguishing between differing colony types. Bacteria are microscopic organisms that are less than 3 micrometeres. A colonys characteristics shape, size, pigmentation, etc. These forms represent the most common colony shapes you are likely to encounter. Colony morphology can sometimes be useful in bacterial identification.

Being kept in one place, the resulting cells have accumulated to form a visible patch. Most bacterial colonies appear white or a creamy yellow in colour, and are fairly circular in shape. Features of the colonies may help to pinpoint the identity of the bacterium. Bacterial colony morphology and identification of bacteria. Bacterial colony morphology bacteria grow on solid media as colonies. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Jan 15, 2018 certain colony phenotypes, such as cocultured microbial interactions, need to be observed on a magnified scale to discern subtle changes in colony texture, color, and colony morphology. In this exercise, both grampositive and gramnegative rods and cocci of commonly encountered bacterial species will be stained. Improvements on colony morphology identification towards. You will continue to use the gram stain in the study and identification of other species throughout the course. Shape affects critical biological functions, including nutrient acquisition, motility, dispersion, stress resistance and interactions with other organisms. This exercise will help you identify the cultural characteristics of a bacterium on an agar plate called colony morphology. Colony morphology is the way scientists identify bacteria.

Although the characteristic shape of a bacterial species remains unchanged for vast numbers. Although the characteristic shape of a bacterial species remains unchanged for vast numbers of generations. Each distinct colony represents an individual bacterial cell or group that has divided repeatedly. Watve 1 mircen journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology volume 4, pages 495 496 1988 cite this article. Application recognizing different bacterial growth morphologies on agar plates is a useful step in the identification process. This dot is composed of millions of bacteria that arose through binary fission from one initial bacterium, the parent.

To distinguish how various growth media will affect colony growth. Describing bacterial colonies pdf document from rutgers. Specific shapes are the consequence of adaptive pressures optimizing bacterial fitness. Concerning bacterial colonies, some reports had demonstrated colony morphology dependency on nutritional and agar concentration in the scope of colony pattern modelling bonachela et al.

Improvements on colony morphology identification towards bacterial. These subtle changes, when captured in detail, can be indicative of various biological phenomena, such as antibiotic resistance, microbial communications, and. Pdf in this paper we report quantitative measurements of bacterial colony morphologies that are subsequently used to predict forward scattering. Cecile amadou bio204c02 bacterial morphology virtual lab. Bacterial morphology learning objectives differentiate between a cell and a. Turn your pdf or hard copy worksheet into an editable digital worksheet. Morphology and classification of bacteria microbiology module microbiology notes fig. A colony is defined as a visible mass of microorganisms all originating from a single mother cell, therefore a colony constitutes a clone of bacteria all genetically alike.

Hemolysis is one of the basic tests used for bacterial identification. Aug 26, 2017 morphology of bacterial cell deals with study of. Preservation of bacterial colony morphology springerlink. Pdf morphology characterization of bacterial colonies for. Bacterial classification, structure and function introduction the purpose of this lecture is to introduce you to terminology used in microbiology. Spiral bacteria can be subclassified as spirilla, spirochetes, or vibrios based on the number of twists per cell, cell thickness, cell flexibility, and motility. However, colony morphology is not a reliable way to identify bacteria, as many different types of bacteria have similar colony morphology. Donald breakwell, bryan macdonald, christopher woolverton, kyle smith, richard robison. Bacterial morphology deals with size, shape, and arrangement of bacterial cells. Cecile amadou bio204c02 bacterial morphology virtual lab answer sheet post lab. Most multipoint colony imaging research carried out with flatbed scanners has concentrated on retrieval of phenotypic characteristics for screening and. Biology 3b laboratory cultural characteristics of bacteria. Assign an isolate number to each pure colony and record all colony characteristics on the data sheet.

Colony morphology is a method that scientists use to describe the characteristics of an individual colony of bacteria growing on agar in a petri dish. As with many living organisms, bacteria often live on the surface of solids, such as. In the identification of bacteria and fungi much weight is placed on how the organism grows in or on media. Apr 28, 2019 this exercise will help you identify the cultural characteristics of a bacterium on an agar plate called colony morphology. Bacteria are known to evolve specific traits to survive in their ideal environment. View lab report bacterial morphology virtual lab questions.

Cover different classification schemes for grouping bacteria, especially the use of the gram stain 2. Bacterial colony morphology arts and humanities flashcards. However, the real impact of these variations on each of the morphological characteristics. The cell envelope encloses the protoplasm, comprising the cytoplasm, cytoplasmic inclusions such as.

A colony s characteristics shape, size, pigmentation, etc. It allows a large proportion of clinically important bacteria to be classified as either gram positive or negative based on their. The characteristics of a colony shape, size, pigmentation, etc. First report of donut colony morphology among diphtheroids isolated in blood.

Biology 3b laboratory cultural characteristics of bacteria objectives. Although one might not necessarily see the importance of colonial morphology at first, it really can be. Subscribe to our email newsletter to receive updates. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Nov 04, 2015 although basic colony morphologies have been described in various standard text books, laboratory specialists should continuously update the changing trends of bacterial colony characters. September 2007 mybook is a cheap paperback edition of the original book and will be sold at uniform, low price. Spiral bacteria are another major bacterial cell morphology. Gram in 1884 it remains an important and useful technique to this day. Bacterial colonies examples of morphology of various. Free educational materials on identifying bacteria.

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